Right now I'm looking to cut down at around 153 lbs to get into the 155 and under weight class for my brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) competition, during october 3rd and 4th. Right now, I'm about 155 lbs (first thing in the morning) but I just want to be on the safe side so I won't have to compete with behemoths compared to me, the range after 155 lbs is whatever, so i could be going against a dude that weighs 205...which I don't really get but anyways!
I'll be posting photos/videos up soon enough. This is what I'll be doing for the next 4 weeks with BJJ 3 times/week:
Monday morning: A1.KB clean&press (5 reps) A2.pull-ups (5 reps), starting with 12 minutes
Now the 1st week I added A3.rocking push-ups (6 reps) A4. ring rows, but I felt there was just too many exercises, and now going to concentrate more on the C&p and pull-ups on mondays.
After those I would do 5 snatches/arm (45 lbs) alternated with 5 burpees, starting with 10 minutes. Ab work for last
Tuesday:Greasing the groove (GTG) with pistols, handstands, handstand push-ups/KB presses, pull-ups, hanging leg raises,etc. I'll just call this day a "variety" day. I mostly concentrate on pistols and handstands but do a couple of the other exercises. With some low volume speed work
Wednesday:Steve Maxwell's bodyweight 300 workout, intermediate level (but with strict b/w pull-ups).
Friday: 1.Turkish get-ups (TGU) with a 55 lbs KB for time, will start at 6 minutes.
2.explosive swings with a 45 lbs KB (20 reps), alternating with 5 overhead squats/arm, will start with 10 minutes. Ab work for last
Saturday: Variety
BJJ classes are monday, wednesday evening and saturday morning. Which normally means 5-10 minutes warm-up, 15-20 minutes interval training 30 minutes technique and 30 minutes rolling (which means sparring). Now with the competition coming up, I'm going to have an extra hour in the class and I'm not too sure what's waiting for me...
I try to fit some joint moblity work during the days, but not able to every day.
So! I'll post this picture of me a couple weeks ago at around 160 lbs doing a bottoms-up press and will see if I can shed some fat, while miracously getting stronger :P
Oh and my diet's a low carb,high fat+protein, I've been doing it for a while and feel alot better energy-wise, with 2 carb meals a week. Loving it and sure it works because i went from around 138 to 163 lbs without getting a fat spare tire around the waist.