Friday, September 18, 2009

Almost there!

Well, back to school!... :( . Now I have less time due to projects+homework, and no time for reading stuff about strength/fitness or nutrition, yay...

Anyways, my power endurance program is almost done! One more week, I can't wait! The program looks easier than it really is (by the way, ab work is HLRs and a circuit of ab wheel, russian twists, straight-leg sit-ups and straight leg bikers, getting an extra set every week and going to go up to 6 sets of that circuit. I noticed I didn't say exactly what I'd be doing). The reason I'm excited to take a week off before competition is because I do not remember the last time I actually took a week off, I think it was around last january-march or something, and think it is catching up on me. So! One more week of heart thumping workouts and then I take it easy before competition.

Now, the reason I don't take many week offs/tapers (easier week), is because I found in the past I would get weaker after that easier week, but recently I've read a post on a forum about how getting weaker after a week off was normal. What I didn't think of was because ( I don't know why I haven't even thought of this because I read about this multiple times) the body's still kind of in vacation, that's why what you do is you do a program, after after you peak in that program you taper, then you work up slowly to another peak but a bit heavier than what you did before. This is where the "2 steps backwards, 3 step forward" saying comes in!

Also, the weight class cap is 149 lbs and I think I am at that weight presently, I don't really know because my scale is completely screwed up! I'll know tomorrow before BJJ class, but I'm sure I'll be fine for competition in 2 weeks.

Off to study!...

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Got me some new toys! :D

Last week-end I made myself some awesome new toys to add to my soon to be awesome home-gym, he he. I don't think I'm going to be going back to the gym, maybe I'll go to the university one to do something like "Power to the people" , which takes like 10 minutes, but no more memberships! I love being able to go outside when it's nice out and not having to wait for a taxi or bus to get home or at my brother's house, plus with winter coming and only having one car for 4 people it gets pretty annoying. Now, I take all my stuff outside and get a good workout done! Anyways back to my new toys.

The first one was a bulgarian sandbag, which is a very versatile tool for circuits (just like the kettlebells) so what I did was add 10 reps/side of sandbag halo's (if that's what it's called) in with my snatches and burpees on mondays. You can put it on the back of the neck for jump squats, pushups,etc, and hey, burpees! I'll probably put it on for my burpees towards the 4th or last week of my cycle to challenge myself even more. Next time I'm able to, I'll probably make myself a heavier sandbag to do deadlifts with but for now this sandbag is more to get the heart rate up.

My second homemade toy is my diego clubbell filled with sand, I don't think I'll be using this tool much since I find it just too light to really get anything done. Sometime I'll empty it and put in some Quikrete to see if that will get it heavy enough, or I'll use it as a piggy bank to store all my change.

Now for my big toys, big tractor tires! I got these this week thanks to the nice man at the front 
desk who said he could deliver them at my house since he lives near by, I was so happy/excited that I didn't even give him money, I'll be passing by there to give him something to thank him. Flipped these today and IT IS FUN! Free, fun, can go heavy and a full body exercise (kind of like the clean and jerk). I took a small one that I knew I could flip at least once, and a bigger one that I wasn't too sure if I could flip. When I flipped them I wished I took a bigger one but these will do for now, smaller one for numerous reps and the bigger one for low-rep sets e.g. 3-5 reps.

I can also use these with a sledgehammer which I hear is a nice heart rate booster, so I'll try that out sometime. It's too bad school's starting this week, I got all these new toys and now I'm gonna have a bunch of projects due and exams to do, etc...

I'll try putting some videos on this but my computer is kind of messed up so we will see.

Anyways, dropped a couple pounds and now I'm waiting for the official weight divisions for the BJJ competition this october not sure if it's 149 lbs or 154 lbs, if it's 154 great, if not, I'll have to drop a couple more pounds. Every week I put up the time by 1 or 2 minutes so I'll be able to shed off some pounds if I can keep going up, I haven't taken a break since I can remember and now I think it's catching up on me but I won't go easy until a week before the competition and then it's on again to get ready for the "hardstyle ventura" workshop hosted by Pavel Tsatsouline, the guy who cleared up so much for me in my first book by him "Beyond bodybuilding" (no it's not really a bodybuilder's book) and really pumped for that to come.

Until next time!