Anyways, my power endurance program is almost done! One more week, I can't wait! The program looks easier than it really is (by the way, ab work is HLRs and a circuit of ab wheel, russian twists, straight-leg sit-ups and straight leg bikers, getting an extra set every week and going to go up to 6 sets of that circuit. I noticed I didn't say exactly what I'd be doing). The reason I'm excited to take a week off before competition is because I do not remember the last time I actually took a week off, I think it was around last january-march or something, and think it is catching up on me. So! One more week of heart thumping workouts and then I take it easy before competition.
Now, the reason I don't take many week offs/tapers (easier week), is because I found in the past I would get weaker after that easier week, but recently I've read a post on a forum about how getting weaker after a week off was normal. What I didn't think of was because ( I don't know why I haven't even thought of this because I read about this multiple times) the body's still kind of in vacation, that's why what you do is you do a program, after after you peak in that program you taper, then you work up slowly to another peak but a bit heavier than what you did before. This is where the "2 steps backwards, 3 step forward" saying comes in!
Also, the weight class cap is 149 lbs and I think I am at that weight presently, I don't really know because my scale is completely screwed up! I'll know tomorrow before BJJ class, but I'm sure I'll be fine for competition in 2 weeks.
Off to study!...
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