Saturday, August 21, 2010

Circuit #2 Taper

Just lowered my volume by about 60%, all done with a 45 pound bell:
  • MP x 3 reps/side
  • Swings x 20 reps
  • MP x 3 reps/side
  • FS x 5 reps
  • MP x 3 reps/side
  • Snatch x 5 reps/side
  • MP x 3 reps/side
  • TGU 1 rep/side
  • MP x 3 reps/side
Did the circuit 3 times with 3 minutes rest in between.

  • Mixed-grip pull-ups (thick tree branch): 4 x 2 reps/side
  • Gorilla hangs: 2 x 20 seconds/side with 1 minute rest between sets, 1 x 14 seconds -> 1 x 11 seconds (did one side after the other)
  • Car lift isometrics: 3 x ~6 seconds
I'm not too happy, like yesterday the circuits were tougher than expected... hopefully I'll sleep well for the rest of the week. I hate it when my plans don't go well.

Friday, August 20, 2010


Thursday I just did a couple of GTG sets with:
  • Pistols: 4 x 3 reps/side
  • 2-up, 1-down pull ups (on the concentric): 4 x 2 reps - go up about 2 inches, down 1 inch, etc.
Then I had to get ready to go to the dentist with my brother. Later during the day I did:
  • Club-like swings with the sledge hammer: 5-10 minutes (until I got pretty fatigued; did not time it)
Read/listened to some marketing things and then played Risk with my mom and sister during the evening (I'm winning of course :P).

Friday I did the usual: cicruit #1 with 45 pound+35 pounds, but with lower volume relating to my peak of last week.
  • Swings x 12 reps
  • MP x 4 reps
  • Swings x 12 reps
  • FS x 3 reps
  • Swings 12 reps
  • Snatch x 4 reps/side
  • Swings x 12 reps
  • TGU x 1 rep/side
  • Swings x 12 reps
For 3 circuits with 3 minutes rest between.
  • Wide-grip pull-ups: 5 x 3 reps (also taper)
  • Superset of {Swings with 55 lbs+55 lbs x 10 reps -> ab roll-out with 5 second pause at stretched position x 3 reps} x 3 sets
  • Bottoms-up presses (BUPs) for fun: 5 singles and 3 doubles
I might do some more BUPs later today.

Hands aren't all ripped :) only one left to heal... I hope it's done after that.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Week 3 of snatch work

My first day (Tuesday, August 17th) went awesome! I was pumped the whole day :P

I did:
  • RKC snatch test: 55 pound bell, 100 reps in 4:50 minutes (woot!)
  • Heavy TGUs: 70 pounds, 8 singles/side while either going straight to the other arm, orgetting a drink (i.e. not too much rest)
  • Side-to-side pull-ups: 3 x 4 reps/side (not really, towards the end I was pretty much doing a pull-up and then going to the side... I'll have to lower the reps probably)
  • Ab roll-out: 3 x 3 reps with 5 second pause at stretched position
The video is proof of my accomplishment :D

Wednesday I did not go as hard as Tuesday, I even lowered the volume a bit:
  • RKC snatch test: 55 pound bell, 90 reps in 4:40 minutes
  • Dynamic-iso C&P: 55 pound bell, 18 singles per side with 6 second pause when arm is parallel to ground while resting 1 minute between sets
  • Elbow-on-knee rows: 70 pound bell: 3 x 6 reps/side
  • Negative presses: 70 pound bell, 3 singles with 2 minutes rest (pretty good control from top to middle)
  • Ab roll-out: 3 x 3 reps with 5 second pause at stretched position
  • Farmers walk: One 55 pound bell, and one 70 pound bell. I would walk about 20 yards, drop the weights, turn around, pick the weights up, walk another 20 yards, and repeat (did not take note how many)
So now I am going to take the next week easy, lower my volume and a bit of intensity.

RKC, here I come!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Just did a couple of things, not much:
  • Fighter pull-ups: 10 reps, 10 reps, 9 reps, 8 reps, 7 reps (sometimes I had to let go for a couple, looking more for volume and not going too balls to the wall)
  • {55 pound dead high pulls x 4 reps/side -> ab roll out with 5 second pause at stretched position x 3 reps -> band presses x 10 reps (real easy, just for some blood flow... bit sore) } x 3 circuits
Ordered some atlas stone molds today, can't wait to try out atlas stones :D (probably going to suck at it in the beginning, hehe)

Hopefully I'll sleep well tonight, last night didn't go as well as I was hoping.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Circuit 3, Week 3 (RKC)

I started out with the usual third circuit, using a 65 pound bell for FS and 55 pounds for every other exercise:
  • FS x 8 reps
  • Swings x 20 reps
  • FS x 8 reps
  • Push press x 6 reps/side
  • FS x 8 reps
  • Snatch x 8 reps/side
  • FS x 8 reps
  • TGUs x 2 reps/side (alternate sides every rep)
  • FS x 8 reps
I did this circuit 3 times, resting 3 minutes in between circuits.

Then, I tried doing see-saw pressing alternated with double swings using 45 pound bells. However, it did not work out too well... I did about 3-4 sets and then my muscles/body just shut down. So I pretty much did:
  • Farmers walk down my street
  • 3-4 sets of see-saw presses (3-5 reps/side) alternated with double swings (15 reps)
  • Continue walking towards my house (in shame) while either carrying the bells overhead or in the farmers walk position
I worked that for about 18 minutes.
Then, since I wasn't able to press or swing very much (shoulders shot from yesterday, and legs shot from today), I did a super set:
  • Parallel-grip Pull-ups: 3 x 8 reps
  • ab roll-out (pause at stretch for 5 seonds): 3 x 3 reps
Napping/taking it real easy for the rest of the day.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Circuit #2 Week 3 (RKC)

Today went pretty well, felt better than yesterday. So I did Circuit #2 with a 45 pound bell
  • MP x 5 reps/side
  • Swings x 30 reps
  • MP x 5 reps
  • Squats x 8 reps/side
  • MP x 5 reps/side
  • Snatches 8 reps/side
  • MP x 5 reps/side
  • TGUs x 2 reps/side
  • MP 5 reps/side
  • Shake off, repeat
Did this circuit 3 times, resting 3 minutes in between circuits.

Then I did:
  • TGUs with 55 pounds 5 singles/side with no rest while alternating
  • Ab roll out (iso at stretched position for 5 seconds) 3 x 3 reps
  • Mixed grip pulls ups on pretty thick tree branch: 4 x 3 reps/side
  • Gorilla hangs from pretty thick tree branch: 20 seconds -> 18 seconds on 2nd set (left side was having problems, needed to reset)
  • Thumbless farmers walk with 55 lbs/hand: as long as I could hold them (2:40 minutes)
Later in the day I did:
  • Quick club swinging exercises for shoulders using one of my homemade toys
  • Sledge hammer swings: until I got a good sweat going on
I did like yesterday for the rest of the day... soaked myself in vitamin D while reading some marketing products.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Circuit #1 Week 3 (RKC)

Did not feel so hot today, pretty weak. At some point I even got a bit dizzy.

Anywho, today I did the first circuit of the RKC prep. program by Brett Jones with 45 lbs+35 lbs kettlebells, alternating bells every circuit
  • Double swings x 20 reps
  • Double MP x 6 reps
  • Double swings x 20 reps
  • Double FS x 6 reps
  • Double swings x 20 reps
  • Snatch with 45 pounds x 8 reps/side
  • Double swings x 20 reps
  • TGU with 45 pounds x 2 reps/side
I did that circuit 3 times, resting 3 minutes after every circuit.
If you want a visual I've got one circuit on video :), I wasn't as explosive as I would've liked but I figured I'd give an example of the circuit on video (no excuses!).

Then, I did:
  • Wide grip pull-ups: 5 sets x 5 reps
  • Superset of {double swings (with two 55 pound bells) x 10 reps <-> 3 reps of ab roll-outs with a iso hold at stretched position for a 5 second count} x 3 sets
I might have something cool to show in a week... hopefully.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

An easier day

Today I just did some GTG-type exercises... taking it easy and soaking myself up in vitamin D :P

  • GTG pistols: 9 x 3reps/side
  • GTG 2-up, 1-down pull-ups (concentric): 9 x 2reps
  • Hindu push-ups: 2 x 10 reps (a bit of mobility)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Snatches #2 Week 2


I thought I had it. I was sure I had it. Unfortunately, doing snatches while counting = not properly counting.
Good thing I've started to record myself (mostly because I've seen some flaws in my techniques after reviewing my recorded videos). One thing I noticed of the snatch is that I "cast" the bell out on my left side, but not on my right. I will have to fix my left side because that might be the cause for my finger ripping cases.

My results after timing the video and re-counting the reps
  • 99 friggin' reps in 5 minutes
On the positive side, I'm very close, and I have really improved since the first time I tried snatching the 55 pound bell 100 times (which was an embarrassing 9:35 minutes).

After the snatches, I did:
  • Dynamic isometric presses with a 55 pound bell - 14 singles/side pausing at sticking point (eye level) for 6 seconds
  • Elbow-on-knee rows with 65 pounds (stacked KBs) - 4 x 6 reps/side
  • Windmills with 65 pounds (stacked KBs) - 4 x 5 reps/side
I will get there. I will have this certification in my hands on September.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Snatch work week 2

Today and tomorrow are emphasized on my snatching.

Today I did 94 reps in 5 minutes using a 55 pound KB, 100 reps in about the the same as last week (5 minutes 16 seconds). I will get there!

After, I did:
  • Heavy TGUs (with 70 pounds) 6 singles/side - pretty much alternating with no rest (or little rest on some occasions)
  • Side-to-side parallel-grip pull-ups: set 1-2 I did 4 reps/side, sets 3-6 I did 3 reps/side
I am probably going to give one last push this week-end and next week, and then I will cycle off for the week after. I say this because I am needing more and more sleep... a bit too much for my liking.

I felt funny when I looked at my recorded video during my snatches because I was like cheering myself on during the video. I was saying things like "C'mon! Go go go!". Hah, I can't believe that actually happened.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Just a quicky

Just did some fighter-type pull-ups (by Pavel), so 5 sets while going down 1 rep:
  1. 9 reps
  2. 9 reps
  3. 8 reps
  4. 7 reps
  5. 6 reps
Then I did 5 circuits consisting of:
  • 1 minute punching bag with 3 pounds in each hand
  • 1 minute of body weight squats for 5 rounds.
Took it to slight fatigue during the exercises... no blood & guts today.

I'm hoping my fingers will heal during the night :P. I was in pain the whole time during my pull-ups.

Later I had a little fun with my little sister by playing some Wii Sports!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

RKC Prep circuit #3

Circuit #3: with a 55 pound KB, except on front squats where I added 10 pounds (so 65 lbs on FS)
  • FS x 8 reps
  • Swings x 25 reps
  • FS x 8 reps
  • Push press x 6 reps/side
  • FS x 8 reps
  • Snatch x 8 reps/side
  • FS x 8 reps
  • TGU x 3 reps/side (alternating sides after every rep)
  • FS x 8 reps
Did 2 of these circuits. I sometimes switch around the snatches and the TGUs because sometimes TGUs take off all the chalk from my hands.

Then, I did a simulation of a "Grad Workout" : using 55 pound KBs in each hand
  • Farmers Walked down my street until the last house
  • Bear walk for 10 steps/side
  • Double swings x 10 reps
  • Bear walk for 10 steps/side
  • Swings (with one KB) x 15 reps
I repeated that until the little hill leading to my house (I don't think it would be very safe swinging those bells downhill while fatigued :P ), which took a good 41:55 minutes.

Thankfully my shoulder didn't bother me too much today during my training session. I don't think I am going to be going back to brazilian jiu-jitsu classes until after the RKC... a bit risky. My fingers got 3 new rips... woohoo...... I'm starting to think I have paper thin skin.

A very, very long 4 legged crawl :P.

I didn't even bother doing any type of pull-ups during the day, I was too tired to even give a worthwhile effort... the rest of the day was pretty much napping.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

RKC prep program #2

Circuit #2: with a 45 pound kettlebell
  • Military press (MP) x 6 reps/side
  • Swings x 20 reps
  • MP x 6 reps/side
  • C&FS x 8 reps
  • MP x 6 reps/side
  • Snatch x 8 reps/side
  • MP x 6 reps/side
  • TGU x 2 reps/side
  • MP x 6 reps/side
I did two circuits of these, but on the second I started doing 5 MPs after the snatches. I was able to get 1 rep extra on the MP sets (last week I did 5 reps on the MPs).

Couple of minutes rest, then a super set of:
  • {55 pound TGUs x 2 reps/side while alternating sides on every rep -> 20 swings with a 55 pound KB} x 2 sets
  • {Mixed grip pull-ups x 5 reps -> 20 swings with a 45 pound KB} x 3 with no rest in between sets
Unfortunately, I tweaked my shoulder yesterday while rolling with someone at the brazilian jiu-jitsu class last night. At least I was able to do the workout (almost) pain free, but it started to act up during the day... so for the rest of the day I nursed my shoulder.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Week 2 RKC Prep.

Circuit #1 with a 45 pound kettlebell and a 35 pound kettlebell
  • Double swings - 20 reps
  • Double Military press (MP) - 6 reps
  • Double swings - 20 reps
  • Double Clean & Front squat (C&FS) - 6 reps
  • Double swings - 20 reps
  • Turkish get-up (TGU) with the 45 pound kettlebell - 2 reps/side
  • Double swings - 20 reps
  • Snatches with 45 pound kettlebell - 8 reps/side
  • Double swings - 20 reps
  • Fall from exhaustiong...
I was able to do 2 circuits this week (better than last week where I couldn't finish the 2nd circuit) with 3 minutes rest in between circuits, so PR! However, there were some times where I took a couple of seconds to put on extra chalk, or to place my tape back on my finger (ripped skin from last week).

Hands not so great... I irritated my pinky finger and some skin ripped off.

Then, after 5 minutes of rest, I did a short super set:
  • 20 reps of Double swings with a 45 pound and a 55 pound kettlebell
  • 20 seconds of band presses
  • 20 seconds of stretched out isometric ab roll outs (coming closer as needed)
Did two sets of that, and then
  • 4x5 reps of wide-grip pull-ups


Going to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu during the evening.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Long Time No See

Alright, I'll be consistent from now on.
So, if some of you were not aware, I am preparing for the Philadelphia RKC this coming September. For this month I am all "RKC prep. mode", since I am finishing my summer class next week and not working anymore.

Now that I updated the information, I will state my good and exciting news: I've gotten 100 snatches with my 55 pound KB in 5:16 minutes yesterday! That means I am a lot closer to being well prepared for my RKC. I've done other exercises after to use up the extra energy I got from accomplishing that.

I say visualizing and feeling the accomplishment works :) I tried it for the first time (I'm trying as many techniques as possible to get the goal) specifically for snatching during the RKC in about 4:30 minutes. I have these pictures on my desktop, and on my whiteboard next to my room.

I'll try post my training everyday; if I don't, I will post 2 days in one post.

5th of August:
  • 55 pounds KB dead-snatches: 6 x 3 reps/side, had to dip a bit. I also have to work on extending completely and not dipping too early.
  • Viking push-presses with 35 pounds KB: Set 1 -> 20 reps, set 2-4 -> 15 reps, tried it out for fun
  • Iso. hold at bottom of press: 1 set with 35 pounds held for 54 seconds per side
  • GTG pistols: 8x3reps/side (1 set every 1/2 hour)
  • GTG pull-ups: 12x5 reps/side (1 set every 1/2 hour, except when eating)
It was supposed to be an off-day today, but I think I'll save it for next week.

This weekend, it's back to "fun" exercises with Brett Jones' RKC prep. program (I am going to be on week 2 of the program).